Clayton Dorge

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Book Notes: Home Game

…An Accidental Guide To Fatherhood

By Michael Lewis - Link to Book

  • If you want to feel the way you’re meant to feel about the new baby, you need to do the grunt work. It’s only in caring for a thing that you become attached to it.

  • A family is only as happy as its unhappiest member.

  • It’s astonishing how much trouble we take to prevent our children from seeing the world as it is.

  • School-aged children are the rats of our time.

    • re: getting sick and passing along viruses and diseases

  • He’s in the hospital only so he can be near an artificial respirator. But the hospital seems only to increase the likelihood that he’ll need an artificial respirator. Such is the state of our health-care system: They keep you from dying, but somehow leave you feeling you’re getting the raw end of the deal.